On January 28, 2025, Sunflower Trilingual School successfully held its annual Chinese New Year celebration for the Year of the Snake. The festival was themed "Tradition and Modernity in Harmony", the event featured a variety of performances and interactive activities that showcased the diversity and innovation of the school's campus culture.
The performances included folk dances, dramas, Tai Chi swordplay, and a fashion show. Each performance was full of energy and creativity. The interactive experience area featured booths where students could try traditional Chinese crafts such as New Year picture printing, handicrafts, calligraphy, and painting. The food booths offered a variety of delicious Chinese snacks such as spicy hot pot and dumplings, allowing teachers and students to experience the unique charm of Chinese culture through hands-on practice and tasting.
This festival not only demonstrated the diversity of the school's culture, but also provided a platform for teachers and students to showcase their talents and communicate with each other, enhancing the cohesion of the campus culture. From the STS Community, Happy Chinese New Year!