Regulation of STS Library
STS library is open from Monday to Friday, 07:30 AM - 04:30 PM
Only persons who have an ID card can use the library services.
Students of Sunflower Kindergarten School and Sunflower Trilingual School
The staff of Sunflower Kindergarten School and Sunflower Trilingual School
Members of Sunflower Holiday Club
Types of publications and services provided by STS library are as follows:
Publications which can be borrowed from the library are:
General Books
Outdated journals
Publications which cannot be borrowed outside the library are:
Newspapers and current journals
Binding journals
Internet Service
Sign the name at the counter service when using the Internet every time.
Give student card or ID card when using the Internet service.
Users are forbidden to any pornographic and prohibited websites.
Users are forbidden from playing games.
After finish using the Internet, the user must return the student card or ID card back to the counter.
Regulations for book borrowing:
1. Number of borrowed books
Students, school workers, and STS members can borrow no more than 2 books at a time for a duration of 7 days
Teachers who borrow the books to implement in Teaching can borrow no more than 10 books a semester and must return those books within 1 week before the next semester begins.
2. Borrowing and returning procedure
The borrower must use their ID card to borrow the books.
Submit member card and the borrowing books to the librarian or officer before taking books outside.
Before borrowing the books, the borrower should survey the book's condition first. Inform the librarian of damages found or the current borrower will be responsible.
Return the borrowed books on the due date in good condition, no tears, and damages. Otherwise, the borrower will have to buy a new one.
User may not borrow the same book more than 2 times consecutively.
Books may be borrowed and returned using the owner ID card only.
3. Late returned publications
For general books, a penalty expense charge of 2 Bath per day each book
4. Other violations
Overdue books or excessive penalty expenses may lead to the offender not being allowed to borrow any more books. In the case of tearing or stealing publications in the library, consideration of punishment will be made according to school regulations.
5. What to do when books are lost.
Buy the same title book and return them within 1 week.
In case of informing after the due date, the borrowers are charged for penalty expenses.
6. Ways to behave and manners in the library
Dress properly and do not bring food, snacks, and drinks into the library.
After reading books, journals, newspapers, or other publications, put them in the place provided.
Do not move tables and chairs.
Do not make noise and run around.
Follow the rules and regulations of the library strictly
In case of having problems with the library regulations, inform the school principal to consider case by case.
The librarian of STS is to enforce the regulations of the library.